Welcome to Cambodian Center for the Protection of Children's Rights Career Protection Program Prevention Program

Child Pursues Education, After CTIP Supports on Business to Family

Survivor's selling business at homeChet is a former child migration abuse to sell lottery ticket and beg for money in Vietnam. He is 9 years old and he is the elder brother among 3 sibling in his family.

Living near the border of Vietnam, Chet also did not study regularly. He was taken with his parents to sell lottery tickets every two or three months and he was taken back to study, after his parents made enough money to pay debts.

Sometime, Chet and his siblings were left at home with grandma, when their parents migrated across the border. “I was separated from children who were attending school in Cambodia, when my husband and I went to Vietnam.” Chet’s mother said in sad mode with tear.

She continued that they faced a lot of difficulty during migration, because it [the language] was not in Khmer and especially it was difficult when it rained, but they had no choice of job at home.

In April, 2018, Chet and his mother were arrested and brought back to Cambodia. They were referred by Department of Social Affair to get CCPCR’s service supported. With fund supported by USAID’s CTIP through Winrock International, CCPCR conducted assessment to support on education to Chet and provide him with clothes and school material.

In order to make sure their family enable with sustainable income, CCPCR also provided the family with small business (Selling cane juice, fast food, drinks, Goods and ingredient) at home. They were supported with financial and small business literacy trained by CCPCR before running business.     

Chet’s mother said, “Since I got supported from CCPCR, my children can go to school and I have business at home, I can stay to take care them.”

She continued, She feels happy to get helped by CCPCR, her family condition is improving, because she can earn about 60 000 to 80 000 Riels (15$-20$) per day. And she committed to stop leaving home any more, she is willing to support her children to get higher education for good job in the future.   Chet is given name.


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