Livelihood Training Workshop on Chicken and Pig raising to Victims and Victims'family
August 26th to 28th, the Chicken and Pig raising Training was conducted three days by CCPCR under cooperation and support by USAID throw Winrock International. The 33 trainees are CCPCR's beneficiaries from Svay Rieng, Kampong Speu, Prey Veng, Kboung Khmom, and Mondulkiri province. They live in poor situation which have risk of migration and human trafficking, so this three days training is important to build their capacity building on livelihood.
α’αααααΆααααααααααααααα»ααΆααΎααααΈααΆαααΆααα·αααα·αα»ααΆα (CCPCR) ααΆααααα
αΆααααΈααααααΈ 26 ααα 28 ααααΈα αΆ ααααΈααΈααΆαααααΎααα·ααααα
αΉααααα ααααααα»αααααα
αααααααα½αα ααααααααα»ααααααΆααααααααΎα‘αΎααααααΆααα·α
αα ααααα·ααααα·ααΆα αα·αααΆαααααααααααααααααα»ααααααααΆααααΆααα½αααΌαααα»ααααα
ααααα»ααΆ (CTIP) αααααΆααααΌααααΈααααΆααααΆααα ααααα’αΆαααα·αααΎααααΈααΆαα’αα·ααααα’ααααααΆαα· (USAID) αααααΆαααααααααα½αααΆααααα’αααααΆαα’ααααααΆαα·αα·ααααα Winrock Internationalα
αΌααα½αααΈα’αα·αα·ααααααα’αααααΆα CCPCR α
ααα½α 33ααΆαα αααααααΈαααααααααΆαααα, αααααααααΊ ααααααα ααααΌααααα»α αααααααααΆα αα·ααααααααααααα·ααΈ α αΎααα½αααααΊααΆαααα»αααααα
αααα»αααααΆαααΆαααααΈααα αααααααΈαααΆαααααααΆαα αααααααΉαααΆαααααΎα
αααΆααααα»α α¬ααΆααααααααααΈααΆααα½αααΌαααα»αααααΆααΎαα
αΉαααααααΆαααααααααααΈ α αΎααααααααααα½ααααααααααΉαααααΊααααααααααα ααααΎα²αααα½ααααα·αα’αΆα
αααΎα ααΎαααΆαααΈαααΆαααααααΆααα ααΌα
ααααα αΎαααΎαααααΆααααΉαααΆαααα’αααααΆα CCPCR αααα½α
αααααααααα»ααααααΆαααααΆαααΆααααααΆαααααα‘αΎα ααΎααααΈαααααα
αααΎα α’αΆα
ααααΆααααααΌαααΈαααΆααα½ααα αα·αααΆαααααααααΆαα
- Child Pursues Education, After CTIP Supports on Business to Family
- Vulnerable People sharing Experienced on Benefit of Raising Chicken
- Helping Vulnerable Families Improve their Lives
- Trafficking Survivor Sharing Experience of migration
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- Livelihood Supported to Pursue Hope
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- Pig Raising to Improve livelihood of Survivors
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- We Together to End Human Trafficking
- From Miserable Life to Get a Skill of Hairdressing
- SVG Trained Beneficiary to Be Sustainable Farmer
- Local Leaders Share Lessons Learned and Plan for Sustainable Anti-Trafficking Efforts
- Successful Collaboration to Return 33 victims from Vietnam
- Survivors of Labor Trafficking Receive Support to Pursue Safe and Sustainable Income Sources
- CCPCR Conducts a Chicken and Pig Raising Training for Capacity Building
- 23 Labor Trafficking Victims Were Back to Community Successfully
- Chinese Guests Visited CCPCR to Hear Experience of working with Human Trafficking Victims
- AOI's Students Visited Child Prevention Project
- Collaborative Effort Leads to Successful Repatriation of 54 Cambodian Men Trafficked to Fishing Boats
- Risky Migrationβ Lead to Trafficking Issues
- Livelihood Training Workshop on Chicken and Pig raising to Victims and Victims'family
- 15 Survivors Returnedβ back to Community With New Life
- 4 victims of human trafficking from Vietnam, Returned Back Successfully
- Eleven Trafficked Children to Beg in Vietnam, Returned to Cambodia
- CTIP Secures the Second Chance at Education for 22 Trafficked Children Forced to Beg in Vietnam
- National Verification Process in Thailand
- Press on After Trafficking Launch
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- Radio Australia Broadcast
- Featured in Global South Development Magazine
- A major fundraising campaign for CCPCR!
- CCPCR's Christmas party!
- Painting in Phnom Penh!
- Sihanoukville Shelter - Can you help?
- Lotus House - Siem Reap
Download Document
- Local Leaders Share Lessons Learned and Plan for Sustainable Anti-Trafficking Efforts
- Successful Collaboration to Return 33 victims from Vietnam
- 2015 Annual Report
- Snapshot-Forum Empowers Human Trafficking Survivors to Make Recommendations to Policymakers and NGOs
- Snapshot-Survivors of Labor Trafficking Receive Support to Pursue Safe and Sustainable Income Source
- CCPCRβs Prevention Activities for October
- CCPCR CSO Certificate certified and approved by Minister of Ministry of Social Affair
- Case study - IOM training on representatives of 14 child clubs
- 2014 Annual Report
- Case study - Child Club in Thmei commune
- Case Study - Teng Mao Community
- Case Study - Training on pig farming in Thnout commune
- Case Study - Community Learning Centre in Chres commune
- Case Study - Parental Group in Tuol Ampal village
- Case Study - Child Club in Kandal Village in Thnout
- More than just victims- the truth about human-trafficking
- What are you grateful for?
- Shelter Appeal
- CCPCR's Rehabilitation strategy
- Organizational Chart
- CCPCR's Child Protection Policy
- Human-trafficking in Cambodia
- Human Trafficking FAQ's
- Statement for human rights day, December 10, 2014.
- Current situation on process to migrate to Thailand in EN
- Current situation on process to migrate to Thailand in Kh
- 2013 Annual Report
- 2012 Annual Report
- Svay Rieng Shelter
- 2011 Annual Report
- 2010 Annual Report
- Svay Rieng Presentation 2010
- CCPCR's Rehabilitation strategy