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CCPCR Conducts a Chicken and Pig Raising Training for Capacity Building

Winrock staff Cooperate in Training on first DayAugust 26th to 28th, the Chicken and Pig Training course was conducted three days by CCPCR under cooperation and support by USAID throw Winrock International. The 33 trainees are CCPCR's beneficiaries from Svay Rieng, Kampong Speu, Prey Veng, Kboung Khmom, and Mondulkiri province. They live in poor situation which have risk of migration and human trafficking, so this three days training is important to build their capacity building on livelihood.

First day and Second day were classroom lecture in Phnom Penh by professor from Prek Leap University of Agriculture Mr. Thaong Sambath, and he taught them on Chicken and Pig Raising. He showed how to build chicken's house, cross breeding, feed, and disease and showed the real medicine or materials. Mr. Thaong Sambath said, in countryside people always follow their tradition to pet pig and chicken. That is why they could not earn much money, their animals face with kinds of disease and died. So after this training workshop they would change their life with this knowledgeable, He added.

The lecture on Pig and Chicken Raising

He said, "We can share some technique to them in order to know about raising, building house and vaccinating animal, and choosing best variety of pig and chicken breed. Each family would start to raise from a few breed to be big farm of animal due to their possibility".

Although participants earnestly listened the lecture with occasionally questioning but most of them were illiteracy and not flexible to ask, so they were not easily to understand.

However, on Third day, beneficiaries had a chance to visit and practice on field to Prek Leap University of Agriculture and they seems a little bit nervous of practical skill, but after hearing explanation and seeing professor practiced vaccination with chicken and pigs, they could teach each other from one to one successfully finished.

Practice on field

One participants said that he would thanks to CCPCR and donor (USAID throw Winrock) for providing this training, he could learn about livestock raising and he wished he may be able to vaccinate chicken and pigs by himself.

He said, "After learning from this training, I may not have any more problem with money because I could gain more knowledge to take care my animal. I may get more income to support my family and I can avoid from migrating to work abroad. Working abroad I could not eat much and got mistreated".

In the rural area, many farmers are in impoverished situation. Such people are very vulnerable to migration or human trafficking. Therefore capacity building is important way to prevent such problems. CCPCR set out protection vulnerable people from problems of migration. (Article and Photo by Yuya Yamakawa).



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